January 29, 2011

عطلة غامضة: Master Mahwash

Ustad Farida Mahwash (فریده مهوش), singer from Kabul Afghanistan, 198?. In 2006, she became the first woman in Afghanistan to be given the honorary title of Ustad (master). She currently resides in California, USA.


  1. dig what you've done with the place. regarding yer query on ryukyu2, skroll to the bottom of this here page, sucka

  2. Hey thanks, brother. It's looking a little more warbly as of late, I must confess, but it was a renovation I been meaning to get to. That linkage is a motherfuck! I've looked for the latter Okinawa Groove Collection for many moon; you prolly understand more than most what the shit means to me. Thanks for holding it down for ol' Murkles Respite.

  3. my pleasure mang. the similarities you mention hadn't occurred to me, but obviously we share certain sensibilities, aesthetics, fetishes[?] :) anyworms, holly asked me for a flac conversion tutorial & here tis. simply install foobar2000, grab the lame.exe codec & drop the ryukyu 'flac cue' into the window. then select & right click the tracks you're trying to convert, click the '...' option & choose yer desired bitrate/output folder. at that point you should be in the mix. further tips for using foobar live here

  4. Damn yeah, a how-to! Mine has already been duly converted to glorious 320 kbps, but thanks for breaking off the knowledge. By the way, readers, you should follow said link and nab everything you see. Okinawa folk-groove is hard to get your hands on. I'm thinking bout dropping Songs of Okinawa: Best Selection of Roc Records in the near future, in case anyone out there's in need. Thanks again, øשlqæda. Decent rips of those Ryukyu Rare Groove CDs have been long overdue. I look forward to seeing them posted up at your place soooon!

  5. hey now murkmang, i have no intention of dropping em at my spot, nor have i any claims on dem rips. my friend zaar upped em at my request & there they live for the waking world to harvest. many moons ago i had toyed with the notion of presenting them but could never squeeze a tracklist out of him, anglicized er otherwise. another one that might interest you is
    okinawa sweet girls groups

  6. O word. Then, love and acknowledgment to y'boy Zaar as well. And thanks for the sweet girlz addition to the as of yet ryukyu cornucopia hereby.

  7. Wow, what a wonderful discovery! What a voice, and what a powerful tune!? Listened to this song 4 times in a row now and just re-posted it over at the Facebook appendix to my ordinary blog, Jo/No's Audio Delights, with a salute to your splendid blog


  8. That link for ryukyu2 is dead, any chance you could re-upload it somewhere?

  9. Hi I´m Valeria, from Chile. I love love love your blog, I discovered a few months ago and I have to tell you please update some more..I simply adore the music you upload, Or if you have another account maybe or a tumblr or fb, please share :)
    My tumblr is modernocontemporaneo.tumblr.com if you want to add me.. and my mail is valeriahernan@gmail.com you can add me to facebook if you like :>
