May 25, 2011

THE LATIN JAZZ QUINTET + ERIC DOLPHY - Caribé (1960) + The Latin Jazz Quintet (1961)

Despite being hideously assassinated in his prime by the mass mind's collective will, Eric Dolphy's music has thankfully not been lost to time, as evidenced by the fulsome profferings thereof on-line and on-bootlegs. While I'd be amiss not to point you first to Out There and Out to Lunch, as well as Dolphy's work with Andrew Hill and Oliver Nelson, I can just as enthusiastically recommend these two summerly warm latin sessions (parts at least). Eric Dolphy sat in on two different latin jazz sessions in 1960-61, one with a group called the Latin Jazz Quintet, the other with a group of musicians led by Felipe Díaz who also called themselves the Latin Jazz Quintet. Dolphy is, however, the only common player between the two recordings, which both feature vibraphones to make it that much more confusing.  

Though the music here is hardly adventurous, Dolphy's performances on sax, flute, and bass clarinet boost the joy-creation quotient manyfold. The bass clarinet meandered through time a transient derelict before Eric Dolphy fingered it. The eponymous Latin Jazz Quintet album makes for excellent hot weather listening, though I admit songs like "Cha Cha King" and half of Caribé are better seldom heard. Perfect music for those with no place to hang their hammock.

dolphy summer driving


  1. Loving this thoroughly. My own proclivities for the Dolphy genius sound, and exotic jazz tourisms makes this a perfect alchemy of elements for my hungry ears. I wonder if you've spent any time with Dolphy's "Last Recordings" album? The song "Springtime" is a monster for the ages, some of the best music I've ever heard.
    Anyway, thanks, brother.

  2. This is what I shall listen over the holiday weekend. :-)

  3. Flash, Thanks for the excellent reminder. I haven't listened to Last Recordings since I first downloaded it off some dusty corner of the interweb. Much appreciated!

    Holly, have a beautiful holiday!
