February 24, 2010

ግልጽ ያልሆነ ጉድጓድ: Yeshimebet Dubale


There is a cornucopia of great Ethiopian pop on YouTube, which I'll be posting more of in the future.  I stumbled across Yeshimebet Dubale a while back and have been in love ever since.  She has the most incredible voice.  These videos are, unfortunately, all of I've been able to track down of her music.  Anyone out there who knows where her stuff can be found, I'd greatly appreciate you breaking me off some information. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Murk,

have you seen this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdpI-TyHFL4
it's a really nice song!

Murky Recess said...

Yes! Love it. Few voices do it for me like Yeshimebet Dubale's. It's on par with the likes of Roy Orbison—ethereal. I have these videos converted into mp3s and I listen to the one you posted quite a bit.